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Interested in contact lenses?


There are several options available, and we will find the best fit for you!


Soft Contact Lenses:

-  Daily replacement, two week replacement, and Monthly replacement options

-  These lenses can correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia

-  Options for presbyopia (bifocal) prescriptions:

  • Monovision: the contact in one eye will correct for distance vision and the other eye will correct your reading prescription.

  • Multi-focal: These contacts are designed to allow each eye to see at distance and near.

Myopia control: If your child is complaining of far objects being blurry, they may have myopia (also known as nearsightedness). Studies show that specific multi-focal lenses can help slow progression of nearsightedness.

To learn more about myopia control CLICK HERE


Rigid Gas Permeable (Hard) Contact Lenses:

-  Correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and presbyopia

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